
Hello 2012

No worries. This guide is not dead! It's just slow.

I've been waiting for Apple to announce what they are going to do about iWeb.
I built up a new version of this guide in iWeb but then Apple announced they were going to discontinue it and I didn't want to proceed with a dying platform.

Once I get that figured out, this guide will be a lot better. Right now navigation sucks. You have to click on the little triangles on the right to get to all the cool stuff. I want to do away with that.
Tips and suggestions welcome! Leave them in the comments.

In the meantime here are some minor news.

Fender has released a Kurt Cobain edition Jaguar and Mustang.

The Vandalism Strat info was recently updated with corrected information on the necks (Kramer necks?!)

There were two amazing contributions left in the comments of one of the posts. One was regarding Kurt's pedals, the other regarding a possible KC Univox find. I'll clean this up once the new guide is up sometime in the (near?) future.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hey,i found this nice picture of Kurt playing his Ibanez Les Paul copy!

    1. Goto Dalmacia Hotel photoshoot and when there on the bed and Kurts got a blanket over him,Dave is messing with the LES PAUL,It was given to him in 1989-90,and it was also used at East Ballroom 1990

    2. Amazing picture of Kurt with ibanez Les Paul ! Actually I first time see this picture.thanks for link man.

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    This Ibanez is not Kurt's, it belongs to King Buzzo from the Melvins!!!

    1. That was a different time in Razors edge studio, 92'Kurt was Messing around with Buzzos les Paul when Kurt was helping out with The Melvins HOUDIN and Kurt owned a 1958 cherry Sunburst les paul.If you listen and know guitars you can hear where they actually added the Les Paul on top of the jaguar and on an outtake you can clearly hear the Les Paul Alone and KURT jamming with it.Its just a heavier guitar and plus he was embarrassed by it...

  4. keep it up, its a nice work


  5. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I love your blog!

  6. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I just came across a piece of writing by Steve Albini that says Kurt used a Veleno guitar on In Utero. Velenos are really interesting metal-necked guitars and I'd be interested to know how it was used on the album.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Interesting. I wonder what song it was.

    2. No he had a Veleno there and he used the LES Paul,You can hear on at least 6 songs mixed in with Fender mustang

    3. If you look at the photo shoot of Nirvana in 1990 at the Dalmacia Hotel,you'll see Dave playing with Kurt's Black Les Paul copy,and it was used for East Ballroom 1990 and the same guitar was used on IN UTERO

  7. Your blog is amazing i like it. I have a blog too :)

  8. Kurt Cobain. YEAH baby !!!

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    http://www.dawsons.co.uk/blog/kurt-cobain-guitar..never seen kurt with red univox but if u or anybody has any info if this is a real deal or..owner claims this was used and smashed during BLEACH promotion tour..nice blog,keep up the good work..-Harwey

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

    made some research and it seems to be TEISCO mosrite copy..found few on ebay that match the guitar on the site..-Harw3y

  11. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Hi,is this mustang which can be seen in this picture the same mustang he played in the In Bloom video?

  12. Hey fella, here's another http://entretenimento.uol.com.br/album/2013/06/20/leilao-em-londres-reune-120-pecas-de-cultura-pop.htm?abrefoto=6

  13. Hey. Im a big fan of nirvana and this blog. Anyways i was watching a nirvana concert on youtube and they were playing at the kapu club. But the guitar kurt was using i havent seen before. It was red with a black pick guard and had a right handed fender stratocaster neck, and i know its not his epiphone et 270. So if you could find out i would gratley apriciate it.
    Sincerely, Vince Person

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's a HAGSTROM II, it was like all of Kurt other guitars destroyed eventually....
